10 Tips on How To Eat Healthy During the Holidays – Blogmas Edition

10 Tips on How To Eat Healthy During the Holidays - Blogmas Day 4

“Create Healthy Habits, not Restrictions.”

It’s a Fine Saturday morning on my End – JK I should start this by assuming it is a fine Saturday where I am posting about 10 Tips on How To Eat Healthy During the Holidays because I’m writing to schedule post this for the coming week. Yup, the magic power of automation. Also, I am still balancing my career and passion on one hand. I am choosing to share this 10 Tips on How To Eat Healthy During the Holidays ahead of time before the holiday swing is in full session, before you said you weren’t told and also so that you have your own set of cheat guides to survive all the junks that the holiday will be throwing on your face. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying avoid it but rather Create Healthy Habits, not Restrictions.

In case you missed it, I shared a ton of Healthy tips on How to Stay Fit During the Holidays

[tweetthis]Create Healthy Habits, not Restrictions[/tweetthis]

Think of the struggle you have gone through the whole year to stay healthy, drink lots of water and even tried to exercise. I mean that’s a lot of effort and hard work on your part to let it all go away. How about we wrap up the year and finish it with a bang, and guess what, you get to enjoy the holidays while keeping it all healthy. I could think of 1001 reasons you could be telling yourself to avoid the workout, trust me I can relate,

  • It’s too dark outside…
  • That Chocolate mousse is on point though
  • I’m exhausted because my toddler decided to “spring forward” instead of “fall back…”
  • I don’t have cold weather running gear…
  • It is too hot to run today.
  • I’m too busy preparing a Christmas feast…
  • Stuffing, turkey, pumpkin pie… wait, what was I talking about? 

How do you ask? Well look no further because MissKymmiee Lately is about to share with you without further a due

10 Tips on How To Eat Healthy During the Holidays

1. Workout

Ha! I sneaked up on you am sure. I mean with all the talk of you too can enjoy the holiday, working out was the last thing you would have expected to be mentioned. But here we are. The holiday has a way to disrupt a routine, this could be caused by various factors really, just to mention but a few,

  • Traveling
  • Full house
  • Accessibility of workout facilities

Well, you will have to find a time slot that works out for you that will surpass the holiday chaos, in a matter of speaking. If you are keen about working out over the holiday and how to actually achieve it, I have dedicated a whole Blogmas post on it, Sharing Tips on How to Stay Fit During the Holidays. This way you can have some Holiday meal without feeling guilty.

2. Don’t Over Eat

I feel like am giving you tips on how to go against all human nature with this post. After all, it is the holiday season. Between Christmas and New Year, the theme around us is food. However, my take-home point is, of course, eat and enjoy the meals but for the Love of everything healthy don’t overeat. Stop when you are satisfied not when you are stuffed, you are not the Christmas turkey. Schedule your meals and portion them into smaller sizes. That way you won’t find the need to chug everything on site. – Sorry tough love

3. Stay Hydrated

With liquor on one side and eggnog on the other, there seems to be no place for water. However, the best you can do for your body is to stay hydrated. Water is said to be the best medicine, so it will help you flush out the toxins, maintain your body PH and above all protect and repair your skin from any damages, due to harsh winds or change or weather climate.

Also, a fun healthy fact is, the more hydrated you are the less hungry you feel, which directly translated to eating less and in return, avoiding being a victim of overeating.

4. Meal Prep.

I think I might have worn the healthy lottery with this one. Honestly, Meal Prepping has been a lifesaver for me. I can’t count the number of times I wanted to order say pizza or a double king-sized burger and remembered I have my healthy stash of food in the freezer. So I am sharing with you my secret healthy eating and fitness weapon. Two words, Meal Prep. All you have to do is figure out what you want to eat for the week, spare out an hour or two depending on how complex your dish is, cook and forget it. Enjoy the meal I will be sharing more meal prepping ideas in the upcoming post because I know it is a newer concept.

5. Meal Fillers Trick 

Healthy food, not booze! If you know you’ll going to be lacking willpower, don’t go out with an empty stomach. You’ll just be setting yourself up for disaster. Eat a filling meal before you leave home so you’ll be less tempted by whatever indulgent foods and drinks are available when you go out. This should come in handy when you will be attending the Christmas parties.

6. Don’t Stress

Well, this is a direct tip on How To Eat Healthy During the Holidays, however, it has a direct impact on what you end up eating. If you let the holiday stress get to you, then this will push you to stress eating, and we all know how dreadful and instrumental that can be to our diets. So take it a day at a time, breath, take care of yourself, and always remember you gave it your all and that’s good enough.

7. Two-Bite Rule.

We all know at this time of year neighbors and friends are going to be dropping their yummy baked goods off at your house.  In order to not feel deprived but to also stay on track, go with the two-bite rule.  Take two bites of whatever it is and be done. Don’t track it. Just move on. Sometimes those treats hard to track because you don’t know what’s in them, and if you only take two bites, you won’t feel like you overdid it or feel guilty.  And honestly, the calories in those two bites won’t even matter in the grand scheme of things.

8. Make a dish and bring it to your family event. 

Yes, you are about to be that person. Make a healthy version of your favorite meal. It’s quite easy, especially with how many ingredients can easily be swapped for healthier ingredients these days. Cook a dish such as a sweet potato casserole, butternut squash soup or simply glaze some carrots and onions. Take it with you to a family or neighborhood gathering so you get to have a healthy option on the side.

9. Sleep

Don’t be the sleep-deprived person this holiday who keeps saying I am always hungry and ends up eating everything on sight. That’s a way that your body is telling you it needs a break. So especially during the holiday, make sure you are well rested with an average of 7-8 hours of sleep. This will keep your body stable and reduce the chances of searching for comfort in food.

10. Healthy Challenge

Get into a 10 day or 20 days and if you are up for it, go a full month and challenge yourself to a whole month of healthy eating and stay accountable. I did a similar challenge for an entire month to stay healthy and work out for the month of November. it went so well to a point where pushing the challenge to December. What do you say, up for a healthy challenge this holiday season?

There you have it Lately Fam, my take and the 10 Tips on How To Eat Healthy During the Holidays. I hope you found this post helpful. If you have more points to add to this fantastic post, feel free and drop them on the comment section below and let’s have a fun discussion. Till then, I wish you a Fun Day 4 of Blogmas


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