About me


Hello and welcome to my digital world! Whether you’ve been following my journey on Youtube, Instagram, Podcasting, TikTok or just stumbled upon my page randomly, I’m thrilled to have you here. For almost a decade now, I’ve been sharing my life online, and this website is the main hub where you can access every aspect of my digital presence. I mean God forbid anything were to happen… I’m excited to share more about myself with you, so grab a cup of coffee or wine (we don’t judge) and settle in for a great read. Who knows, we might even get a little teary-eyed together.

My Name is Kymmiee, but since we are friends call me Kim!

I’m a Wonder-Lust Persona. I love Exploring, Creating, Getting lost, Meeting New People, Learning New Cultures, and documenting life moments on the go. I love the thrill of new Adventures, The Feel Of Adrenaline, Creating New Experiences, Memories and Filling up my Passport. I am in love with The smell of rain, and its sound as it touches the ground, a hot cup of coffee. I am a sucker for everything Travel, Fitness, Style & Content Creation one post at a time.

I’m a renowned fast-growing lifestyle & Travel content creator, a  Social Media Marketing Strategist, a Solopreneur, and a sucker for a good love story with an authentic global reach of over 150,000 Influence on all my socials alongside 1000+ monthly site unique visitors.

What started as a hobby of documenting the things I love, candid thoughts, and a heavy dose of oversharing – whether it was a new outfit, The latest lipstick obsession, Helping out a friend pick an outfit for a girl’s night out or simply ticking things off my bucket list. Has now quickly grown in size and scope than I ever imagined in my wildest dream…

Don’t Quit your Day Dream – You are closer than you think

My Journey Began with a simple girl who had big dreams, a lover of Everything fashion, and a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (that was way back during the valentines of 2015 Gosh!!.) I will give it to you straight. It took A HELL LOT of Work, Effort, Sleepless nights, Time, Trial and Error, and a few times of me getting looked out of my website because I entered a different command – above it all a Heartbreaking remark from one of my closest people at the time, who said, “I couldn’t actually do this!” To create this little space and my first love that I am so darn proud of –  It’s truly remarkable how far I have come!!

I kept telling myself I’m an Artist, a Creator, and a Thinker. That’s all I ever needed to be, shut all the other exterior noises and channel my Inner Strength, after all, my Mantra has always been;

“Don’t quit on Your Day Dream, – You are Closer than You Think.”

It’s amazing what can happen when you truly love what you’re doing…

After graduating with my Master’s degree with honors – Do I note. I went back home, to Tanzania & got a job in Arusha. I still kept MissKymmiee (The name I used at the time) up and running as if it were my second job. However, It never felt like a “job” to me, but rather an outlet I always looked forward to it at the end of the day, and over the weekends. It made me happy, and excited and kept me motivated. Soon, every hour that wasn’t spent at my (then) current job, was spent working on the blog – answering emails, running my social media, styling looks, shooting various contents, working with a few brands, writing and creating content, finding inspiration, the list went on and on.

Because being a content creator meant you had to wear at least 6 caps on the go.

After several months of debating whether or not to take the leap of faith and move to a new city which included moving out of home. Pursuing new adventures and taking my blogging Journey Full-time, or so I thought. I had reached a point where I knew, if I didn’t take the risk, I might not ever be able to. I decided it was time, one night in late September 2017. It was one of the scariest and most rewarding experiences! It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders and a brand new chapter of my life…

When Lifestyle and creativity collide

In June of 2016, I remember pushing all my savings to get a domain. I still remember the feeling after the PayPal transaction to date. This gave me autonomous control over all my content and if I were ever to do this again, I will definitely do it in a heartbeat.

What you don’t know about me is that over the span of 1 year of blogging. I had actually created 3 different websites and about 10 different site names and deleted them all. Mainly because I had no idea what I was doing or what I really wanted the website to be about. I was all over the place trying a gazillion topics, for a moment there I even wrote about relationships. Ha! Did someone Page Dr.Kymmiee? The good news is that I figured it out…


An online destination and a community all about elevating your everyday lifestyle. From health and wellness tips to creating a cozy home environment that you’ll love. And of course, we’re all about travel too! We’ll inspire you to explore the world and immerse yourself in new cultures… We’ve got everything you need to plan the perfect trip, even if you’re a first-time traveler. But it’s not just about the big things, it’s also about nudging you to fall in love with the everyday routine and Romanticizing life as we know it. Together, we can make each day a little bit brighter!

If any of the above sound like you? Then You will love this website because it is perfect for you. It has hundreds of my most popular blog posts and articles that I know you will find useful. Now, as I sit here today writing this, I have to admit that I’m a little teary-eyed. That girl that I was talking about blogging as a hobby, she’s nearly unrecognizable. I’m not going to tell you that every aspect of my life is now perfect and happy-go-lucky. Because it’s not. But I now love what I do. And I love the lady that I see in the mirror.

And that makes all the difference…