10 Tips to Stay Motivated to Workout

10 Tips to Stay Motivated to Workout

“Fitness is like a relationship. You can’t cheat and expect it to work.”

Hey, Lately Fam,

How have you all been since we last spoke on Meal Prepping – A Complete Beginner’s Guide. Gosh, that was a week ago… Anyways, I am back with another #FitnessFriday post. – 10 Tips to Stay Motivated to Workout. Let’s face it, we all have been there, Yes, I included, on days where you just want to stay indoors and not be bothered, Workouts be damned. Funny, how this mishap can quickly turn from one missed workout to a couple and before you have your mind around it, you may end up quitting all together.

There a million and one reasons why people lose their workout motivation. It could be either you are starting to feel like sticking to your workout routine isn’t worth it anymore? Maybe you’re disappointed because it seems like you aren’t getting the results you want as fast as you’d like. Or perhaps you’re tired of fighting with your body day in and day out. I’m here to tell you that everyone feels this way from time to time. It’s natural to have doubts and fears – and to even think about quitting.

However, the way you deal with this feeling makes all the difference, and it’s what separates those who achieve their goals from those who never quite make it. Are you going to recognize the feeling for what it is – a temporary blip – and push through it, or are you going to give in and give up? Before you give up, consider the fact that you may just need a little motivation and inspiration. Getting a little reinforcement for all the reasons you work out and live a healthy lifestyle in the first place may be all you need to keep pushing.

10 Tips to Stay Motivated to Workout

  1. Remember your WHYs

I shared the reason why having your  WHYs is so damn important on my How to Start A Fitness Journey post, I shared earlier on this year, “Just like anything you are working on long-term you need to know your WHYs, this is what will guide you throughout your journey and motivate you on days where you feel like quitting. Trust me, there will be plenty of those days and not just once. Each individual has their own set of Whys and what they want to accomplish because no individual is the same.” Even with the same WHYs, the work through it is quite different. A few whys could include:

  • Losing weight.
  • A healthy lifestyle
  • Building muscles – ABs, Butt or Thighs

2.  Have a Fixed Workout Time

Having a fixed set out time for your workout will have you stay more consistent even on days that you feel Meh. Because just like clockwork, our bodies can function based on routine, so you will find yourself over time, waking up on time for your workouts or if you workout in the evenings, then that time for a workout – if you skip will remain idle and unused with anything in particular. However, if you do this enough and stay consistent, chances of staying motivated increase on the daily.

3. Set Challenges

This one is huge for me, setting aside time to workout is one thing but benchmarking the whole workout process is more. If you are an outdoorsy kind of person, say a runner, set a challenge to run X miles a week and then build it to a month and each time you crash a goal, set a new goal and keep building from there, this challenges will keep you motivated and the adrenaline rush will keep you and your grind going.

4. Find a Workout Partner

I never knew the importance of a workout partner until I got my best friend to run with me. I have always been a solo runner but having a workout partner has been quite beneficial, from setting challenges to pushing each other of the comfort zone, training and competing on numerous occasions. This has definitely been key on my workout routine and you will feel the very same, Believe me.

5. Treat Yourself

Think of this as a personal reward. Every time you manage to complete say a monthly workout inconsistency, treat yourself with something nice, this could be as minor as a cheat meal to getting yourself a new workout attire or a weekend getaway. This way, you will try to stay consistent more and more so you can treat yourself more often.

6. Have a Bombass Playlist.

I don’t know about you, but I definitely enjoy a good rhythm while I workout. Something about raw hardcore music gets me going. So find the tracks you like and enjoy and build yourself an uplifting working out playlist. This will keep you motivated and in a happy  mood, making the workout more enjoyable.

7. Switch up your Routine

I am definitely an advocate of consistency and routine. Before you all crucify me, I don’t mean to quite on your routine, however, a good switch up will save you better in the long run. If you have a set workout routine, introduce something new or challenge yourself to greater heights, this way your workout stays fresh and pushes you to do more. Big disclaimer, however, Don’t introduce something drastic in your routine because you may crash and burn.

8. Eat Healthily, Drink Lots of water & Sleep well.

Sometime our eating habits are what makes you unmotivated. If you eat crap or lots of junk, your body becomes sluggishly and you may not enough energy to workout. This is proof that your motivation should start from within you, et well healthily and drink lots of water make sure you get enough sleep. This way your body is well rested and energized to withstand your workouts.

9. Have a Fitness Diary.

I am a huge believer in pen and paper because I could be an old soul. However, I know its 2019 and everything is moving towards the digital wind. You could use one of the many apps out there to track your workouts. I currently use two, because one has been there and the other one is linked to my smart Vivosport series 3 watch. If you are looking for a digital recommendation, I would definitely vouch for the Nike Run Club and the Garmin Connect apps. It tracks steps, heartbeats, pace, sleep patterns and variety of workout challenges.

10. Know what works for you

If your workout has begun feeling like a chore and you resent it every time. Then, my friend, you are burning up. This is the absolute opposite of what a workout should be. Workouts are meant to be fun, and not every workout is meant for everyone. Know what works for you and find 100 ways to make it work and enjoyable. If you hate running. Try walking or hiking or swimming. Whatever works as long as you keep working towards your goal.

I hope this 10 Tips to Stay Motivated to Workout were helpful, And will get you out of your workout rut. Have an amazing time, thank you for stopping by and go crush those goals Darling. If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out my 11 Ways on How to Stay Fit During The Holidays


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