20 Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years – Blogmas Day 28

Fun Activities for New Year's Eve & New Years

Hey Gorgeous People,

Its 3 Days to New Years, One day to an awesome long and fun weekend. Which means its about to go down so hard this end of year. If you have been following blog trends a lot, (Its something I take a keen interest in.) Then you would have notice the most searched term around new years would be, Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years. And I know it’s a long minute but lets just get ahead of the Whole SEO mumbo-jumbo shall we?

I will try to make this post, Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years as inclusive as it can be, but my focus is on the adult side of the spectrum. And the bonus point is that, this Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years can be in motion as soon as we hit Friday, I mean talk about a well-timed post! So without Further Ado, I surely do hope you are ready to enter 2018 and finish 2017 in style. Ladies and Gentlemen

Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years

  1. Attending a Social Event

Depending on where you are. There has to be a social event in your area. As New years is an international celebration, you can’t go wrong joining the festivity. This Social events often include performances by live musicians or DJs, confetti, and a fireworks display. Some require tickets to be purchased ahead of time, and some are free to attend. Depending on your budget, mood and crowd, am sure you can find some Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years in your local area. Just to help you brain storm, Think;

  • Fireworks by the Beach
  • Night Club
  • Jazz or live Music
  • Formal Events, Hosted in Big Hotels.
  • Casino.
  • End of the Year Party.
  • Communal Church Services.
2. Intimate Activities

This type of Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years differ from the first instance in figurative form. The first instance, you get to mingle with a large lot, and in most cases you might not know the individuals there. This second bit however, its more intimate and personal, as it is held amongst, Friends, Family or significant others. Looking for some Intimate activities to do this New years? I thought you would never Ask!

  • Attending a House Party
  • Going for Dinner
  • Cinemas
  • Date Night
  • New Years Countdown Kiss
  • Club Hopping
3. Playing House

This is when you decide to have people over for some quality fun or Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years. If hosting Parties is your cup of tea lets make that shot of Tequila then this is definitely a time for you to shine. Looking for some Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years to do for 2018? Well, don’t look any further.

  • Drink Up Party.
  • Costume/ New Years Themed Party
  • Host a potluck
  • Honour a tradition (Personal/Family)
  • Game night
  • Movie Night
4. Solo Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years

For some of us, well we are bound to spend New Years alone. This could be by force (In my case) and for some, they just want to be away from it all. Regardless of your reason, I have good news for you. You can have a great time too this New Years weekend with some of this Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years, because you deserve it. Say it with me, ” I deserve to Have a good time too!” So here goes nothing,

  • Sleeping
  • Wine Drink up
  • Catching up with the latest (YouTube, Blogs, Friends, Book, Movies)

There you have it guys, My Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years. I Hope i was able to shade some light on Fun Activities for New Year’s Eve & New Years or the entire weekend as a whole. One thing however, Stay safe, Don’t drink and drive and don’t necessarily make bad decisions that will come bite you in the Ass! With that being said, I Would love to be the first one to wish you lot a Very prosperous New Year 2018. Thank you for always Supporting Me , a lot of content coming your way. Till Then

Fun Activities for New Year's Eve & New Years


6 Responses

  1. Those ideas sound really tempting and really exciting, but it has been tradition for us to celebrate new years eve at home together with the family. Maybe we’ll brake out of it someday and try one of your suggestions 🙂
    A happy new year to you 🙂

    1. Family Tradition are fun as well, you could do a game night or movie Marathon. Besides you are sure to be more safe in the comfort of your own House! Have a good one ❤️

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