8 Tips on How to Plan Ahead: A guide for a Working Millennial

Plan Ahead

“The road to success is not fixed and inflexible as you think.”

First of all, A quick update & I would like to truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me and all the support you have been giving me since i got back. Especially with this new approach am taking for MissKymmiee Creatives. It means a lot truly. On other News, My previous post, Dealing With Weight Gain. I had shared a lot including my weight gain which was 60.5 Kg and since today is a week later. Guess what?? I just weighed myself and am 2.9 Kgs down. I weigh a total 57.6 Kg Am super-duper excited!! am getting back to my body, 1 KG at a time.

On Today’s post I will share a plan insight into my work life and how you as a millennial can achieve the same. Having to lead a double life of being a blogger and having a leading role in an actual 8 PM-5 AM job on the weekly. Hasn’t been all rainbows and unicorns but I have found a balance. How do I do it you ask? By staying on top of both worlds, Giving my job 100% and keeping up with my contents which includes posting consistently and on the same times?

Easy Pease-y!! Right? Well, after a while but I had to start somewhere. Thanks to the tips shared below.

Plan Ahead:

Planning ahead for me comes quite easily. Am a visual person so if I see it in writing, I will more than likely do it. I feel half of the work is done, its like am speaking/ writing it into existence. I have a lot of goals to accomplish come the end of the day. So having map them all will make it easy. The best way for me is to break the goals and to do lists one day at a time. I have two huge wall planners. One for my Content creation & workout and the other one is for my 8-5 office work. So I make sure I map everything on them and avoid setting a lot on a particular day. All this are broken down on a day,weekly and monthly limit. If anything pressing happens along the way, I always have my planner with me everywhere I go, so I will easily jot it down.

I plan my weeks on Sunday Evenings and the new tasks or to-do list will be reviewed in the morning as I enjoy my cup of coffee and the only sane 15 minutes I get before work.

Have your Power Outfits Ready

When you plan ahead your outfits, you save yourself a ton of headaches and morning tantrums. I know the frustrations searching for an outfit can be. So to avoid this. Have your weekly outfit done. Am talking, Outfits of the week, shoes, Handbags and all the accessories you need to kick ass and be on top of your game. Remember if you look good, you feel good. I am usually home most of the Sunday evenings. So I will take the time to recharge and find my outfit (Including trying them on to avoid any mishaps) Lets be Honest, We have all been there. If I am feeling up to it, I Iron all of them and have them ready to go.


Having a routine will become inevitable after you get your plan ahead game on. Getting to routine can be hard and tricky but having the right balance is Key. To have a successful routine, time is always of the essence. How much time does it take you to get out of bed, how many alarm snooze do you a day. When it come to dressing up how long does it take? Driving or public transport? 15 minutes of personal space everyday before coffee? When you actually train your body to do all this for 21 consecutive days then my darling millennial, you will have an establish routine.

Time Management:

If there is one thing all successful people have in common is time management. When you succeed to plan ahead of time and actually work around it. You are a successful human living amongst us. CONGRATULATIONS! This is not just for millennial-s rather a great general habit to have. With proper time management comes respect. If you have to present a pitch, go straight for the hard points and crush them, don’t waste time on the unnecessary. Because remember people’s patience and attention span is limited. Be keen with time when going to meeting, during work times and in life generally. People will remember that about you and that’s a good thing. So when you plan ahead your activities, go the extra mile and pin the time slots next to it all.

Meditate or Work Out

No am not saying this because I just got into working out myself but really. This will keep your blood flowing and get you active to tackle the week. Remember all work and no play isn’t the story at hand. Plan ahead your work out/ meditation or affirmation routine. Its more likely for it to happen as you plan ahead because you subconsciously get prepared. Start small, 33 days a week and gradually build from there. While you are at it. Make sure you stay dehydrated.

Reward yourself

From grabbing dinner with a significant other after work to buying the perfect pair of heels you have been eyeing a longtime. I mean after all you have worked hard and there is no better excuse to make yourself feel better. You don’t have to break the bank rewarding yourself but you get the point.

Prepare for the Unexpected.

From a bad weather that will force you to look for an entirely new outfits(Because I have been a victim of this more or less times than I would like to admit.) To a broken car or crazy traffic and illness. Have a standby plan to the rescue. So that come rain or sunshine, your plan B is as good as Plan A and you are on top of your game. Crushing it like the Boss babe that you are!

Be Realistic.

Make sure you plan for the attainable goals. If you go for the unrealistic goals, example a person who has never run a mile in their life decides to run a full marathon. That will just burn you up and put you off your game for good. However, if you plan the attainable you are guaranteed the satisfaction of canceling the goals from your list come the end of the day. And trust me, its fulfilling as Hell.

There you have my Darlings. Easy Plan ahead Tips to get you  finishing this second half of the year 2018 with a Bang. How do you plan ahead and stay ahead of your work game? Am curious to know. How about spilling some beans ans starting a conversation below?



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