9 Tips on How to Blog During the Holiday – Blogmas Day 3

9 Tips on How to Blog During the Holiday - Blogmas Day 3

“It is the most wonderful time of the year.”


How to Blog During the Holiday. Could this post come at a better time? I think not. The post is already a giver, the holidays are in full session which means one thing, It’s officially Blogmas Season or Vlogmas for all the video creative geniuses. I am so happy honestly and I did not think I would be this excited for Blogmas, given the work required to make this posts a success. However, I’m in full swing and so ready to tackle the daily posting once again. Blogmas 2018 is now on full session Lately Fam. Given the fact I wrote 3672 words for yesterday’s post: FAQs on my Fitness journey, you would think am out of stuff to say. But here I am dedicating yet another 31 days of consistent content creation. Quick mathematics, that is 50,000 words with an average of 1500 words a day on average for 31 days. Yup, introducing to you Kymmiee the Superhuman Witter Ha!

I did take the time to self-proclaim myself as the queen of Blogmas challenge with only 1 year of experience, so this is the 2nd year in a roll and am ready to ace it again, I mean its day 3 and am still on a roll. The whole Blogmas playlist from Last year is linked on my website in case you are interested. I have worked overtime to come up with fresh 31 ideas that are different from last year. It wasn’t the easiest task on the planet, but OMG! so rewarding, because you all deserve the best contents for always supporting me. Before this turns all mushy and emotional, let’s get on today’s post.

How to Blog During the Holiday

Is meant to tackle one of the hardest things that writers or content curator face to date A little exaggeration on my part am sure. Truth be told, this time of the year is a little hard on our part because all the people who you know will be off office or on break, I mean it is the holiday after all. The harsh reality of being a content creator is that we do not have set holidays where we close shop. This goes with the fact that, being your own boss means there is still more content that needs to be created, even more so during the holiday session.

The sadder reality is that the holidays tend to interfere with your creativity and writing or creating process. However, this is not a case for all, as others enjoy creating even more content over the holidays. If you find yourself in the first category, then fear no more as this post, How to Blog During the Holiday was written with you in mind. I dare say, look no further because I have got you the easiest & quickest fixes to get your blogging, creating content and even better, enjoying your holiday. Yap, you too can have it all and you deserve to.

1. Have a Schedule.

The time around the holiday can get quite cramped up and before you know it, you have no time to create content. I mean between traveling and a house full of people, there isn’t much left. So the easiest thing is to have a set and stone time for creating content. This time is up to your own discretion, However, in my opinion, it could be the earliest morning when everyone is still asleep or late at night when everyone is asleep. The key part is finding the time slot that works for you and being religious about it.

2. Plan Ahead and bet on Idea Banking.

Holiday’s don’t magically appear. We in most case can tell a holiday is due at a certain point in time. I mean once we celebrate Thanksgiving – for those who do actually. Then that’s just the gateway to the holiday season. So plan your content ahead of time. If you write a post every other day make sure you know what it is you will be writing about, research about it and have a rough sketch somewhere in your idea book. This will save you so much time and brainstorming headache. Also, you won’t go through a writer’s block anytime soon with idea banking under your sleeves.

Blogging software like WordPress has the ability for bloggers to write posts in advance of them being published. You simply set the date and time you want the post to go live and it will happen later while you’re sitting on a beach somewhere. The magic of automation, ladies and gents.

3. Bulk Writing & Schedule Posting

The two go hand in hand, and I discovered their power a little late last year where I was a novice in Blogmas. I knew the only way I will be able to survive the holidays and stay consistent and top of my content curation is by having my content planned in advance as explained above and bulk write it ahead of time. Afterward set everything on schedule and watch the gods of automation do the trick while I enjoyed the holidays and occasionally responding to comments.  Try it and you won’t believe the weight load released off your shoulders. You can thank me later.

4. Revamp & Repurpose old Posts – Evergreen Content magic

This only works if you create evergreen content. What I mean by this is content that can be used and abused time and time again with just a few updates. These are contents that offer tips and tricks or the How to’s post in a way. Content like summer 17 is already time bound and cannot be re-purposed.  So if you had written a post such as how to survive the holiday’s when you are single, or the likes this post will have readers every year and for that, it is forever an ever-green content waiting to be repurposed…

5. Invite Guest Authors.

I will be blunt about this, I’m not so pumped about this idea but I have to mention it anyways. The only reason that I don’t support this 100% is that I love my own voice and opinion to be what is behind the brand, MissKymmiee Lately. So letting go and having another person do that, rubs me in a weird way, but that’s just. However, if you don’t mind other people on your website, then by all means. A quick fix would be, having an interview or tag with another person. Those are always fun to read and allows a fresh outsider perspective on your contents.

6. Share snippets of your Vacation.

Technology has paved a way for us to connect more and more. Use the loophole to stay connected with your readers. Share your holiday snippets with your readers. This could all depend on what medium of communication you would prefer. This way, you get to enjoy your holiday while still being creative. there a few ideas that could help, but the list is endless, do tap into your own creativity.

  • My holiday skincare routine
  • What I eat in a day – Holiday edition
  • My Holiday morning routine.
  • Christmas shopping.
  • Holiday fun tag

7. Holiday Contents

Carter on creating Holiday themed content because that’s what the majority of the readers and newer traffic will be searching for. Since it’s the holiday time – Christmas to be precise topics like:

  • What to watch this Christmas
  • How to spend Christmas on a budget
  • My favorite Christmas memories

Will be on your favor than against you. If you think you have to really write a non-holiday post. Mix it up with more holiday-themed posts so that you keep traction going.

8. Host Holiday Giveaway.

If you still want to create a bond with your readers, hosting a giveaway is a great start. It will boost your numbers, attract new eyes who will discover your amazing content. The holiday season is the perfect time to give back to your readers who have supported your content from the beginning of time.

Speaking of giveaways, you guys have been amazing throughout, so here is a quick Blogmas planner for you so that you are on top of your content. Drop down your email below and I will have one of the Santa’s reindeer drop it in your inbox.

9. Take an Actual Break and Enjoy the Holiday.

If you think you need an actual break to rejuvenate and come back whole, then, by all means, take a break and spend time on yourself. There is no point of burning yourself in the process. Do what makes your heart tick, this will give your creative side time to wonder and get back with more even more ideas and creativity after the holiday season.

However, piece of advice, do inform your readers about the break don’t just up and leave, believe me, there are consequences to such actions. You will lose readership or following that you took time to build. People can be the patient for just so long.

There you have it my Lately fam my 9 tips on How to Blog During the Holiday. I hope this helps an individual somewhere. Till then the MissKymmiee Lately Team – Which is just me wearing a bunch of hats, Content curator, editor in chief, director, fashion model, fitness influencer, digital marketer and an internet person, Ha! would love to wish you a delightful holiday season. I will see all your beautiful faces tomorrow, same time same place.

Lastly -If you have always wanted to start a blog but have no idea why, well, I have good news for you, am giving away my E-book for FREE to anyone who will be interested. It is a step by step guide for beginners to start a blog. All you have to do is click the Link Here. or see the Direct Link Below.



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