“My Favourite place to get away is anyplace with the Ocean, My Girls and the feel of sand between my toes.”

I was thinking I would actually jump into today’s  Blog post; A Weekend Getaway you know, like nothing, actually happened. Only to realize I haven’t posted anything for about a month and a half. I surely hope it hasn’t been more. Work has been kicking me in the Balls lately and I am growing busy with every second. To a point that I feel that am neglecting my passion and losing my sense of spark and creativity. Besides work, the other reason that I have been off the radar is that my MacBook. It decided to die on me. Yup just like that and I need to get that fixed. But in the meantime, I have found a workaround back up computer this should work for the time been.

Weekend Getaway

Long story short, I have come up with a new posting schedule that I would very much love to try up on the blog. This is different from my Monday Wednesday Friday route but rather from 1st which is today that you are reading this post, I will be sharing a post up on the blog every 2 days. I hope it somehow works because it’s the only way I will be able to keep both my work and passion going while still being able to stay sane, eat healthily, Run, work out and have a social life and yes, enjoying A Weekend Getaway.

A Weekend Getaway
From Left, Sallie-Marie, Louise, Irene & Well Me!

Probably context is key on this post. As I will be introducing you to a couple new faces. To the Left are my two cousins and my high school best friend to the farthest right. We have always been a great close bunch since we did high school together, but with life and adulting after graduation back in 2012. We haven’t been able to all be together in the same room well till this past weekend. Yup, it took us 6 years. Over the duration of time, I could hang out with one or the other. So Sally with the dreadlocks happened to have passed the Bar this past weekend, and that seemed like a good reason enough to bring us together.

A Weekend Getaway

We had a great Dinner in her honor, with family and friends that Thursday, then being the next day was Friday we decided on a Weekend Getaway. After work that evening we decided on a fun night out because this is how every good Weekend Getaway begins, I mean Hello! Girls trip anybody?. This was one of those first experiences, because like I said this was also the first time we clubbed together. And Boy it was a very fun night with lots of Happy memory and an all-nighter on Friday. We ended up at home around 6-ish in the morning, and all crushed for like 4 hours before we were up and about to the island, that Saturday morning, for A Weekend Getaway.

A Weekend Getaway

Que up, the drive to the hotel, where the boats that were to take us to the island are packed. This was rather a short trip because we spent the night at Nancy’s (Sally) We made a stop at a supermarket and a restaurant for some snacks, refreshments, and Lunch for the afternoon at the Island. Along the way, we actually did the Kiki road version challenge and that was fun to do, and yes nobody died. Our trip to the Island was about 20 mins give or take and at this point the weather had started warming up better than how the day had started.

A Weekend Getaway – Mbudya

Weekend Getaway
Mbudya Island

Mbudya Island (or simply Mbudya) is an uninhabited island in, north of the country’s business city, Dar es Salaam and is one of the four islands of the Dar es Salaam Marine Reserves (DMRS). The island lies close to the beach resort and fishing community of Kunduchi and is reachable by means of a 20-minute motorboat ride crossing from the mainland. It is, therefore, a popular day trip for both tourists and Tanzanian residents alike, serving as a location for a variety of leisure activities, including snorkeling, sunbathing and hiking.

Weekend Getaway
When you take Leg Day Seriously

Saying I had a blast is clearly the understatement of the century but it was such a fun-filled trip. We had a great time. Caught up on everything life-related. Our goals, passion dreams and where we at attaining them. The best part of my trip was actually getting to see the sun-set. It’s safe to say, we have one of the best sunset views from Mbudya. I mean how pretty cool is the sunset pic below?

Weekend Getaway
Talk about God’s Perfection

Weekend Getaway

So I guess I should point it out before being asked on the comment section. Mbudya is a fun island to spend the day with someone you totally enjoy (a partner, boyfriend, fiance, husband.) Or a place to hang out with a bunch of cool friends. Otherwise, you will be bored to death. Am saying this because the first two times I went there back in like 2014. I made a mistake of going with strangers and it made me hate it. But this time around well my love for the Ocean still continues and that for Mbudya is profound. I hope you had a great read, Here are a few clips from my day.

Weekend Getaway
When you Make strangers Photograph you!
Weekend Getaway
Friendship & Smiles
Weekend Getaway
Poses, Smile, Wind & Attitude 

I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my Weekend Getaway and getting a glimpse of my life and friends. I had an amazing time and am even more excited to be back. Here is to a beautiful September filled with love, from my Family to yours. Since you are still here, how about you catch up with my latest post, How to start Running: A Beginner’s Guide.

Weekend Getaway
Shot by iPhone x Edits in Lightroom
Weekend Getaway

19 Responses

  1. YOU made me miss Mbudya 😫

    Ya’ll look gorg ..And ya’ll body goals huh…
    Keep the good work coming through.


  2. Dear heavenly father….

    I give thanks for your salvation…

    the roof over my head and gas and electric…

    Clean clothes and more…

    Most importantly…

    Thank you father God for these enchanting, astonishing and Beautiful images…

    For Misskymmiee having this blog to make my day better…

    Thank you father God…


      1. Tell Me about it. We have to make it to the beach together and Stunt!! Planning a trip to Mombasa, will fill you the dets soon as they fall in place. Virtual Hugs 🤗

          1. I’d love to go anywhere just to get away from America….

            that’s another story…

            yes it looks like I’d deffenetly enjoy it…

            Feeling the sand on my pale ugly ass feet…

            Blocking sun burn with my melinin…

            Yep sounds good to me👌

    1. Christopher Bland!!

      What do I do with you!! OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH! You legit made my Day. Thank you for always being a ray of Sunshine. Have a September to remember ❤️

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