How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

“Nothing is as important as Passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate.”

Passion is the energy that keeps us going, that keeps us filled with meaning, and happiness, and excitement, and anticipation. Passion is a powerful force in accomplishing anything you set your mind to, and in experiencing work and life the fullest extent possible. Ultimately, passion is the driving force behind success and happiness that allows us all to live better lives.

Passion can be anything for anyone. Think of the one thing that fuels you up when you do it. My passion solely lies in creativity. That can be in the form of writing, video creation or interior decor. The more I stay creative the more fulfilled I feel on the inside.

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

However, this is not always the case. Sometimes a passion for something may fade and it slowly becomes a headache or a chore. This is mostly a case if you turn a passion into a career. – That’s the goal for most people and I wrote this post with you in mind…

When you add money into the passion bowl, things get a little on the complicated side and with each new step. You may find yourself resenting it. I have been a victim of this but now that you are reading this. I have a workaround and you are in luck as today’s post, will cover ways on how to Fall back in love with your passion and then more.

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

1. Take time off

Step away from everything. I mean it -Crazy but effective. Take time off and don’t look back. Call it hiatus, call it alone time call or a break as long as you close shop. When it comes to a passion that earns us money, in most cases we are the bosses and being the boss it’s always confusing when to take a break. This continuous workload can pile up and result in a breakdown or a worse a burnup, Both mental or physical.

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

So if you ever feel like you don’t find the same drive towards your passion. Know you are on the verge of a burnup. To avoid this, try and schedule breaks ever so often. This will help you stay grinding and even give you a chance to come up with more fun ideas around your passion.

 2. Revisit Old Works.

Take time back through memory lane. If you are passionate about design check out your old favorite pieces. if you are a writer read your old articles and see what about them made you so happy. Dancers and the rest will take the same route. This will help you remember why you started in the first place or why you loved it to begin with. In most cases than not, this will spark enough fire for you to fall back with your creativity and passion for it all.

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

3. Spend time with other Like-Minded humans.

You have heard the saying time and time again. “You are a product of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” So if the people who are around you all the time do not fill up your soul and fuel your passion, this will make you fall out of it sooner than you think. However, if you are always around the people pumping you up with the same energy, this can easily get you back in love with your passion. After all – Energy doesn’t lie.

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

4. Create for the audience of one.

Remember the time where numbers and praises were not on top of everyone’s list? Well me too. Those times are gone but you need to find your way back there. Get back into creating magic for your DAMN SELF not for vanity or praise. Do it for the sake of doing it cause you BLOODY LOVE (excuse my french) it in the first place. This will release a lot of load off your shoulder and help you stay in love with your passion. If you create content from a place of love and you stay genuine and authentic about it People will resonate with that and love your work.

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

5. Find Inspiration

Sometimes all you need to fall back in love is a little dust of inspiration sent your way. Whatever field your passion tends to fall into – trust me, there is a tribe of humans who do exactly that. So take time to check their work and while you are at it, find some inspiration. Do note, however, there is a huge line between finding inspiration and imitation people. Make sure you stay on the inspiration lane of it.

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

6. Learn.

If there is one take away from this whole post, then this is it!! Take time to learn new tricks and tips. Sometimes the reason you fall out of Love with your passion is the redundancy of the process. Learn new ways to do what you love, this way you stay on top of things while challenging your creativity of things. If you ask me, it’s a win-win. Learn new ways to dance a particular routine, new ways to edit or new writing styles as long as you stay learning, you should be alright.

This doesn’t have to cost you a dime, there is a lot of free articles and youtube videos about it, so don’t even find an excuse for that.

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

7. Have a work schedule.

I don’t know about you, but if I don’t have a schedule I tend to waste a lot of time without being productive in the least bit. Having a schedule will create a disciplined routine. You will never always be motivated. That’s why you need to be disciplined to be able to show up and do the damn work every day. So set time aside for your passion. If you happen to work full time like me and do it consistently till it becomes a habit.

How to Fall Back in Love with your Passion

8. Pray

This is everything to me. It may sound a little out of there but I am a spiritual being and I believe there is power in prayer. So always take time to pray about your passion as you do it.

That’s all for today folks. Thank you for tuning in, don’t forget to check out the old post and subscribe to my channel on Youtube. New videos going up Weekly and new blog posts will be live every Thursday and Sunday.

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Till Then, Stay Safe



5 Responses

  1. Now kymmiee…

    You no damn well I couldn’t read this!😒

    Let me try to keep this as un x rated as possible…

    Cheeks, lips and hips diffenitly does put the ky in kymmiee……..

    In my low tone voice……

    “Well got damn……”

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