🍂 New Season, New You! Start fresh with 

“Imagination is Everything, they are a Preview of what you could achieve.”

2020 Update: I Manifested all My Goals & My Vision Board Became a Reality… Read About it

Vision Board

Vision Boards have grown more popular with time. There is a good explanation as to why they are so popular. A Vision Board is a collage of images, numbers, words & Quotes representing a person’s wishes, goals, manifestations intended to serve as inspiration, aspiration or motivation. I am all about shooting for the stars but again, that will not be a vision board, it will be a wishful board and in today’s chat, I want to show you the power of a Vision Board and here is a video to prove it. I had the iPhone in my vision board!!

Exhibit B: I had working out consistently, and that has been one of my constant achievements this year…

How to Make a Vision Board that Works.

Before we dive into How to Make a Vision Board that Works. I have a few questions for you that will act as a guide in the making of your dream Vision Board. Get a piece of paper and answer the below questions.

1. Priority Question

A: What is it that you want?

B: What is it that you need?

This refers to your personal necessities.

C. What do you value?

The importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

How to Make a Vision Board that Works.

2. Have a Theme/ Tagline for your Vision Board

This is your guideline in terms of the direction of your vision. This is the energy you are manifesting in 2019. If it is Fitness, all your visions have to build towards achieving this, if it is Happiness, all the goals have to add up towards this. If it is consistency, well you know the drill. Mine is…

“Career and Passion coming together.”

3. Categories your Priority Answers

These categories should not be more than 5 as you are setting yourself for failure. In your categories, have at the back of your mind the SMART goal setting. Don’t worry we will come back to this. In my Vision board, the categories I wanted to focus my energy towards is wanted to focus my energy towards is

4. Digital or Physical Vision Board.

Decide on the Type of Vision Board that you would like, is it physical or digital. I would definitely suggest a physical one. This is because you are able to see your vision every day and this will fuel you towards achieving them. If it is in digital form, well chances of reviewing them are slimmer, I mean Hi Pinterest boards!

How to Make a Vision Board that Works.

5. Write Down your Goals

This is a place where you can then further broaden your Priority answers from point 1 above. However, the key on How to Make a Vision Board that Works lies on the goals mentioned here. Whatever goals you list, make sure they are in line with the SMART system, I sort of brushed through earlier. For more clarification, see the breakdown below.

– These are goals that answer the What, when, why, who  questions

– Each SMART goal has a starting point as well as a finishing point and they are indications of the quality of the effort to be made. Remember to benchmark your goals.

– This is where you have to rethink the out of the world ideas. You want to be a millionaire, sounds like a plan but a more realistic goal would be going to school, starting a business. – This then clears a path for your millionaire dream

– A realistic goal takes into account the practical situation and the work in which is involved. You want to lose 50Kg  but never workout a day in your life and eats everything on-site? Does this look realistic Suzan?

Time-bound is often confused with measurable, but there is a clear difference between the two. Time-bound is actually about the time that is allocated to reach the goal.

6. Find Inspiration for your Vision Board

The reason why most vision Boards do not work is that for a lot of us (I included at some point) always jumped to this as step one. This is the easy not so easy part. Because if you follow the 5 steps above, then you have an idea of what you want your vision board to tell or inspire. Otherwise, you will be searching for pretty pictures on Pinterest, Google, Magazine, and Instagram that have zero to do with your goals.


7. Craft & Simplicity.

Find a cardboard or picture frame, your images, quotes & words, a pair of scissors & glue and get crafting. The vision Board should have a clean and simple look so that your mind can always process it at a glance.

How to Make a Vision Board that Works.

8. Placement & Review your Vision Board

Once your vision board is complete. Place it in a place that you will see it daily. No the back of the closet is not a starting point. Also, make a point to review your goals and adjust your method in a way that allows you to achieve your goals.

9. Pray

I believe in the power of prayer. I will give my goals my all but prayers get me through when motivation is low or when I come across speed bumps, hurdles or disappointments.

There you have it, my 9 tips on How to Make a Vision Board that Works. I hope you got to learn something from this post. I would like to hear your thoughts. Do you have a vision board & do you think Vision Boards work? Let’s have a conversation below.


9 Responses

  1. This is so very helpful and I have beeeeen needing some guidance with Vision Boards. Thank you so much for thoroughly explaining and actually motivating me to create one that I will commit to this time around. And I totally agree with you at the point that a physical one is way better than a digital one🍃. Thank you once again sis, I hope all that you want you receive💖

    1. Self Watering Flower 🌸Thank You so so much for your words!!! Means a Bunch and I totally appreciate you hun!! Here is to making our Visions a Reality 😭💋❤️

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