How to start Running: A beginner’s Guide

How to start Running: A beginner's Guide

“Running has taught me, perhaps more than anything else, that there’s no more fear of lines or Crossing new beginnings.”


I remember the time I got into running. Probably for the first time in my life. Running to stay fit, (not the grade 5 running that I so fondly remember.) This was way back in 2017. Pssst! look at me saying way back like that was a million years ago. Last year around 24/01/2017 and you wont believe how much I ran. 0.85 kms and that was like 6 mins 21 seconds. I wanna laugh looking back but that mile stone meant something at the time.

A little less than how I felt the next time, where I aced the run on the next week. Determined on a Monday. 30/01/2017 I ran 3.58 km and I was over and beyond excited. I took that energy with me to February and running on a regular was a 3.5 kms on weekdays. My Victory was short-lived with about 10 runs, 5 of which were in February and the other 5 in March.

Catch Up

Fast forwarding that to 7th June 2018. A day that might have changed my life for the better, where I decided to give running a 2nd chance. Got home after work, looked at the girl in the mirror and the whole idea of getting back to running was going to happen. (More about this on my Dealing With Weight Gain post) I changed into my running leggings and I was ready to crush some miles. I heard there was a football pitch near my apartment and I decided to give it a run (no pun intended). With this, I have been able to build from 3.5 kms in 40 Mins to 7.5 km in 50 mins. Something that I never ever thought I could ever do. I ran a total of 8 runs in June and since today is mid July I have a total of 5 runs down for this month already. My schedule hasn’t been the best because I have had to travel. But I have an intention to run 10 times before the end of this month, that will definitely account for 50 kms.

Lets do this.

The first thing for me is the will power. The will to start. The idea of crossing your starting point. When you have this, you are unstoppable. Trust me, I have been there. If you noticed my story from last year. I did quit after 10 runs. Then it took me all the way to 2018 to get back at it. The only difference for me is this time round I have been consistent. Am more committed and this all comes down to having a will power

Starting out running

So you are fired and pumped to get into running. First thing first, congratulations. Treasure this moment & this feelings. You will need them on days where you are not so motivated.To avoid injury and enjoy the experience, it’s essential to ease yourself into running slowly and increase your pace and distance gradually over several outings. Start each run with a gentle warm-up of at least five minutes. This can include quick walking, marching on the spot, knee lifts, side stepping and climbing stairs. Start walking for an amount of time that feels comfortable. When you first start out, try alternating between running and walking during your session. As time goes on, make the running intervals longer until you no longer feel the need to walk.

Regular running for beginners means getting out at least twice a week. Your running will improve as your body adapts to the consistent training stimulus. It’s better to run twice a week, every week, than to run six times one week and then do no running for the next three weeks.

Running Gear.

I think running doesn’t need a lot of running gear or attire per SE. Your usual basics will definitely do. The basics can include the following starter kit.

  • You need a great pair of sneakers. By a great pair I mean one that fits well, its comfortable and will allow your feet to enjoy the circulation of air.
  • A couple great pair of cotton socks. This will allow a great flow of oxygen to the body.
  • A few tank tops or a t-shirts whichever you are comfortable with.
  • A well-fitting sports bra. You know support and all.
  • Lastly, a few yoga pants, or leggings and you are good to go.


  • Headphones
  • Arm phone case
  • Hair-band

How to stay Motivated during Running

For a number of people staying motivated can be influenced by a number of reasons and choices.

  • One could opt to journal their progress. The changes in the progress can be a source of motivation to one.
  • For others is joining a challenge. Be it a challenge in one of the apps you have subscribed to, in my case (Nike+ run Club) or a challenge from an actual club.
  • Having a fitness buddy, this is an efficient way to stay on top of your running gig.
  • Have a goal, more or less like having a challenge. Except with this, it could be a weight loss goals

Need to Know

Q: By the end of my run I can barely move—why?
A: If you’re sore before you finish running, your workout session is too long, too fast, or too hard. Ease back down to walking to allow your muscles to heal. But also its a little common if you just got into running experience sore muscles on the second or 3rd day. Don’t worry your body will adjust.

Q: Can I still call myself a “runner” if I walk so much?
A: “If you’re running, no matter how fast or slow, you’re a runner,” The important part is to make the first step and crossing the starting line

Q: What should I do if my (fill in the blank) hurts?
A: Some minor aches and pains are common, and rest should clear them up. Back off by walking or riding a bike for a few days, ice the area a few times a day, and take anti-inflammatory as needed. If you experience sudden, sharp pain while you’re exercising, try walking it out for a few minutes. In case the pain doesn’t ease, stop immediately and head home. If discomfort persists, see a pediatric or orthopedic.

Q: Some days, my legs say yes, but my head says no—what should I do?
A: Give yourself 10 minutes to warm up” A good warm up helps you let go of stress and allows the chemical changes to happen in your brain that change your mental state from no to yes, That’s why those first few steps are often the hardest. Your mental state hasn’t warmed up to the run yet.”

Q: What should I eat after a run                                                                                                                                              A: For me eating isn’t the highest thing in mind after a strong run. I am mostly excited with the accomplishments. I enjoy having a couple of glasses of water to cool down and hydrate. The reason I opt for this is because am doing an intermittent fasting as discussed on my previous post. But others enjoy a banana or a smoothie despondingly.

Q: I don’t have a permanent schedule how do I get into running?                                                                                        A: You don’t need a permanent schedule to run. Just find time before your day gets busy (In the mornings) or after the day is over (Evenings) and score in any where from 20 mins to an hour run and that’s okay. It doesn’t have to be the same time everyday. This way you won’t resent or feel forced to run after a long day or having to run when you skip running for an early morning meeting.

Q: You mentioned running 5km on all your runs, how do you do it?                                                                                    A: I didn’t think I was one to run a full km let alone 5 or more of them. I just had to get in the first step and hope for the best. Every single time you break your previous record something happens to you and it pushes you to go further and further. As long as the miles keep increasing, you will get there.

Q: My mind tends to wonder during a run, is that normal                                                                                                      A: There is a reason they say, “running is cheaper than therapy.” So hell yeah if your mind tends to wonder. Its normal, it happens a lot during my run. In most runs I think of idea posts, grocery shopping, mental notes on who I need to check upon  the moment am back and just like that I have 45 mins work done as easy as that.

The End

I feel this has been well detailed and can at least get you to consider getting into running. I needed this kind of motivation when I needed to take a double-check on life and Boy, running has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. If you ever get into running and you need someone to cheer you along. Don’t hesitate to at me on any of my social medias @misskymmiee. Till then let’s have a discussion on what your thoughts are regarding running.


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