How to Stay Fit Over the Holidays: 11 Tips – Blogmas Edition

How to Stay Fit Over the Holidays: 11 Tips - Blogmas

Hey Gorgeous People!

Its Blogmas season and we are kick-starting it with  Fitness special. lets touch base on How to Stay Fit Over the Holidays. It’s a struggle, I can testify. But before we get onto the good stuff! how on earth are we in December already? Man, Time surely flew by this year. I mean it was just November the other Day. Anyways,  back to today’s order of business. How to Stay Fit Over the Holiday. Let’s admit something, with Thanksgiving, traveling, shopping, holiday preparations, Christmas and all the little last-minute bits to deal with, it’s a little hard to get any workout done.

If it’s not delayed, it’s done in a rush or worse canceled. Before you know it, all that holiday stress & guilty food creeps up on you and in a blink of an eye, we have the Holiday weight gain Been there done that!

With 35 days between Thanksgiving and New Year (The holiday season if you may) That’s a lot of days that may pass by if you keep skipping or rescheduling your daily or weekly work out. However, all hell hasn’t gone loose yet. Blogmas fitness post is here to the rescue. Think of this as a cheat sheet on How to Stay Fit Over the Holidays. It’s normal to worry about the impact the holiday season might have on your diet. You’ve been working hard and made progress over the course of the year. With each rep set and bite of chicken, you’ve moved one step closer to your goal. But seasonal cheer and yuletide greetings typically bring parties, pastries, and plenty of temptation. Not to mention, longer nights and shorter days make staying in a much cozier option than getting up and braving the cold to train!

This year, don’t let the holiday season sabotage your gains, lead to overindulgence, or sap your training motivation.

Here is hoping this, tips and guides on How to Stay Fit Over the Holidays come quite handy and keeps you motivated all through the season.

How to Stay Fit Over the Holidays


As holiday obligations arise, sticking to your normal workout routine can start to feel like an impossible mission, but a busy social life is no get-out-of-jail-free card. “A hectic schedule doesn’t give you a pass to skip getting your sweat on,”  “You want to make your workout happen, whether or not the circumstances are ideal.” Remember, the only bad workout is the one you didn’t do. Your workout doesn’t have to be perfect.

If you’re crunched on time or limited by resources, make alterations where you see fit. Improvise using bodyweight exercises at home if you need to.

2. AVOID SITTING DOWN. – Get out as often

The holidays are all about parties and visits with family and friends, but when you’re not tearing up the dance floor, you might often find yourself plopped on the sofa or sitting around at gatherings with families and friends for an hour here and an hour there—especially when combined with a sedentary 8-5 job— can add up to hours on end with little movement.

Add in those nights you’d rather cozy up in front of the fireplace or snuggling under the blankets with a mug of hot chocolate than brave the cold, and you could be developing a pattern. You want to make sure that you keep moving and avoid TV binges for hours at a time. Something as simple as monitoring your steps and making sure you get to at least 10,000 a day can go a long way when it comes to staying on track.

3. Set a challenge

Before the holidays are in play and they end up consuming you. Have a fitness challenge, target or plan in place. Create your own challenge, whether it involves trying a new bodyweight exercise every day, testing different yoga poses, or experimenting with an unfamiliar running workout. This will most definitely set you on track. In order for this to actually be in play, you need to hold yourself accountable, be honest about it and find a fitness, Buddy.

4. Find a workout buddy

Rolling out of bed for a 6 a.m. gym sesh is much harder to skip when you’re one half of a dynamic workout duo. Enlist a fitness-minded friend or family member (especially if you’re traveling) to be your holiday exercise buddy. Encourage each other to lace up the sneakers for pre-dinner workouts and post-shopping trip runs. Work buddies are great during or after the holiday season, as they motivate you to stay on top of your fitness Plan you did set on point #3 above.

 5. Try feet-first sight-seeing

If you’re traveling or going on vacation, explore a new city on foot or bike instead of in a car or by public transportation (weather permitting). This can help the blood flow and help you get some work out in, with no fuss or stress. In fact, this can be more fun as you will be able to work out while having fun.

6. Treat yourself

No, not to that extra slice of pumpkin pie. If it’s within your budget, indulge in new workout clothing or fitness equipment before Thanksgiving to boost motivation throughout the holiday season. There is that rush and a little nudge you get to try out a piece of new equipment or work out attire. That will give you a better reason to work out. So have at it, and spoil yourself a little. Plus you might get some very good holiday prices that will help you save a few coins.

7. Start a fitness tradition

There are tons of family-friendly holiday-themed running events in most areas. Sign up the whole family (don’t forget the costumes) for a fun, goofy Turkey Trot or Jingle Jog, Skiing, Skating, running a 5K or anything that’s common in your area. Before you know it, the annual race will become a family tradition. Working out can often be a solitary activity, which may explain why many people skip the gym when friends and family are in town. Make it a group activity by inviting visitors to join you at the gym or a favorite exercise class.

8. Seek Out New Ways To Manage Stress

Another must-do for the holiday season is to learn how to better manage your stress levels. “Breathe.” “Stress raises cortisol, affects your insulin, and makes fat burning a tough process. Stressing is only going to make your life that much harder.” I recommend that you start slowing down, chewing your food, and enjoying the spirit of the jovial people around you. Also, remember that you don’t have to accept every invite you get. Sometimes a jam-packed schedule is the source of all your holiday stress, so start practicing saying “no” when needed. Those who care about you will understand you can’t do everything.

9. Try Healthier Recipes.

Try finding healthy alternatives to some of your traditional holiday favorites. “It’s a win-win! You’ll still get to partake in social gatherings, but without the extra calories. With so many different healthy recipes available, there’s no reason you can’t find one that will make both your taste buds and diet plan happy! I have 14 Beginner Friendly Christmas Recipes courtesy of Blogmas Day 6 filled with sweet and savory recipes that will fuel your muscles and feed your cravings!

Holiday Cheat Tip: “If you want something high in sugar, eat it earlier in the day,” he says. “That way, you’ll burn it off and use it as energy instead of potentially storing it as fat.”

10. Drink Before You Go!

You probably know not to overdo it on the booze, but it’s also important to make sure you drink enough water before the festivities. Water is necessary for the body to function at its optimal level, and it can help calm a false sense of hunger. I find that if I keep a big bottle of water and make it a point to drink large volumes while I’m prepping holiday meals, I feel full much faster. Filling up beforehand will shut down the pig-outs, making it easier to stick to your diet plan. If you tire of plain water, try adding a few slices of lemon, some fresh berries, to add a hint of flavor and make it easier to drink more.

11.. Prioritize Your Workouts

Try to do them early in the morning while everyone else is still sleeping. This way you will also avoid remarks like “Oh, come on! It’s Christmas…” So there you go Eleven simple tips on How to Stay Fit Over the Holidays. That will help you avoid gaining weight during the winter holidays, but it will also allow you to enjoy yourself and have a great time with your loved ones.

As always its been a pleasure talking to you guys and sharing my 11 cents on How to Stay Fit Over the Holidays. Do you have other tips that you would love to add to this list? Yes? Sound them Below! I would definitely love to hear all about it.
50 Blogmas Ideas 2017


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