Perfecting The Casual Friday Look – Summer Style Edition

Perfecting The Casual Friday Look - Summer Style Edition
Friday mt second Favourite F word; *)
Happy Casual Friday Lately’s,
I don’t know about you but I LOVE The Casual Friday. I love it for more reasons than just one. I’m guessing you are reading this because just like me, we both share the same love for Friday and better yet, we love to play around with the Corporate dress code for Casual Friday. If you work in the corporate world, regardless of whatever build, most companies advocate for Casual Friday attire for team building or whatever other reason. I am definitely living for it. In my personal workspace, we are allowed to do Business Casual from Monday to Wednesday, then 0n Thursdays & Fridays it is more laid back. I am not super tied with the corporate bureaucracy, and our Casual Fridays mean Super Casual (If you showed up in my office you may mistake it for Beach day) Ha!
All rumblings aside, I take my Casual Fridays very seriously. No, I don’t mean to mix Casual with sloppy, far from it. I’m talking about a more injected personality into your style to a point that people compliment you for simply wearing a tee and jeans. It all comes down to the styling tips and how to always stay fashionable even when you are all casual-ed up and ready for the weekend ahead.
Whether your office is Strictly formal (Uhhm Bankers & Lawyers.) Fairly formal or you can get away with wearing just about anything, here’s something to inspire your next Casual Friday, it being summer and everything. So without further ado,

Perfecting The Casual Friday Look – Summer Style Edition

1. Comfort is Key

Always opt for comfort above everything. Regardless of the relaxed dress code, you still need to be in the office clocking your 8 AM to 5 PM or whatever times your corporate clock works on. The key is finding that sweet spot between comfort and style and that’s when today’s tips come quite handy. Mind you, this doesn’t necessarily limit your look to sandals & Sneakers, heels can be a Friday casual-dressy combo – depending on what you pair them with. However, if you wear heels from Monday to Thursday switching the heels for some comfy slides or a pair of sneaker is a fresh breath on your overall look and a welcome addition if you ask me.

I paired the Sweat dress with some LV sneakers to give my look an edgy street style. The same look can be dressed up and still look casual with some fun heels and throw a blazer over your shoulders and you are ready for drinks with the girls after hours. Wearing the same look with some summer slides will give you a laid back Friday vibe and all you actually did is play switch up with the shoes.

Perfecting The Casual Friday Look - Summer Style Edition

2. Dressy with a touch of Casual Friday Vibe

It breaks my heart when I see people walking around in an ironed shirt all in the name of casual Friday. I am pretty sure their fashion guardian angels shed a tear each Friday as they head out the door. For the love of everything Fashionable people,  Just coz it’s casual, it doesn’t mean Zero Efforts. The true definition actually means a switch from your every day full corporate attire. Nothing more nothing less. If you always wear tailored suits, wearing some jeans or chino pants is considered casual in your case. The key is finding the perfect balance and still look effortlessly stylish.

You don’t have to throw away your blazers just because its Friday. Pair them with your basic tee and jeans and look effortlessly glam rather than basic Nancy. with just one style tip. If you love your heels. Pair them with your denim jeans and a white bottom and give your casual look a dressy vibe. In my case, I paired my designer sneakers with my Vogue imprint sweatshirt and I look dressy without doing the Freaken most.

Perfecting The Casual Friday Look - Summer Style Edition

3. Accessories the Casual Friday way.

If you are joining me for the first time, allow me to introduce myself, Hello, my name is Kymmie and am the Self Proclaimed Accessories guru. When it comes to any fashion related content, I try to drop my fashion accessorizing wisdom on any chance I get and today is no different. Since we are talking Casual Friday, the Summer Edition, then say it with me, “Sunglasses are a MUST have!” Apart from looking fashion magazine ready, the sunglasses do save more than an accessory, they protect your eyes from the UV rays from the sun. It’s a win-win if you are asking me. I paired my look with a statement belt that acts as both an accessory and accentuating my waist.

If you have no clue on how to accessories, the general rule used to take one accessory out before heading for the door. However, it is 2019 and people can be drowned in accessories if they want to. I have written 2 exciting posts for the ones who are keen on how to master accessorizing like a pro. Give them a peep and let me know your thoughts. 8 Tips on How to Accessories – A women’s Guide and a little something for the guys; A Guy’s Guide to Accessorizing: 12 Pro Tips

Perfecting The Casual Friday Look - Summer Style Edition

4. When in Doubt Athleisure

It’s 2019 and the athleisure game is as strong as ever. If you have been living under the rock and you are hearing the word athleisure for the first time. Allow me to define it. “A trend in fashion in which clothing designed for workouts and other athletic activities is worn in other settings. Such as at the workplace, at school, or at other casual or social occasions.” If that definition is still hard to comprehend, think Suits and sneakers, Speaking of which, if this is your take on Casual Friday here are the Rules of Styling Suits with Sneakers.

Perfecting The Casual Friday Look - Summer Style Edition

Another trend in athleisure that am living for Out Loud is the Street style Biker Shorts inspired looks. If your office isn’t all closed off. These are all amazing ideas to pull through in your next Casual Friday. And have all your core workers green with envy. (I would have the shirt fully dressed ofcoz 🙂

Perfecting The Casual Friday Look - Summer Style Edition

5. Find inspirations

Getting information and inspiration has never been so easy in 2019. From the street styles to the Fashion Bloggers, Style Influencers and your favorite Instagrammers. Your next style inspiration is a fingertip away. Make sure you always stay inspired by having mood boards for various occasions and seasons. It doesn’t have to be public. You can create Pinterest boards and save them as private and create your various looks, this way you clearly have a clue on what you want your style to say.

6. Color outside your Bubble

This post makes more sense after finding inspiration. The key here is to inject your personal style and personality in your outfits. Think about it, some people have fully mastered the art of personal style. To a point, you see someone or something in a store and immediately think. X would have loved this or look great in this. This same reason is why celebrities look effortless, even when all they are wearing is a basic tee and jeans. Something we all can do. Thinking this tip is hard to pull? well then my dear you clearly haven’t caught up on my How to Dress like a Celebrity Everyday
Perfecting The Casual Friday Look - Summer Style Edition

There you have it Lately’s. My full proof take on how to nail the Casual Friday look. If you are still reading all the way to here, then you Friend are the real MVP. HERE is a bonus Fashion post for you, How To Always Look Stylish on a Budget because we all know, Style has little to do with Money. Thank you for indulging me. Have a Fun Friday. I will see you here on Tuesday as we discuss the 3-part series on Personal Style.


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