Tips on How to Travel In Style – Blogmas Edition

Tips on How to Travel In Style - Blogmas Edition

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”

Tips on How to Travel In Style

One more post on Blogmas content and I may be totally sucked back with the marathon… Time has really flown by, but of course, you all experienced this. I did share 11 Tips on How To Stay Fit Over The Holidays on yesterday’s post in case you missed it. Today’s post is mostly inspired by my December breaks and holiday travels. Traveling on its own is a lot of stress regardless of how great a planner you are. For the most part, people aren’t always so bothered by how they look as long as they get to their destination…

But hear me out, what if I can tell you there is definitely a way where you can have it all. – A stress-free trip with both style and comfort on lockdown? Yup, I finally cracked the code and I will be sharing the real tea in today’s post.

I get it, it’s hard to travel in style especially if you have to catch the flight or ride in the earliest or latest hours of the day or night. However, these proven Travel tips will get you travel-ready with as little effort as possible. It seems easier said than done but trust me, been there did that and am a leaving proof it is all possible. I have rumbled for long enough so I will get you out of your misery, Ladies, gents without further a due,

Perfecting The Casual Friday Look - Summer Style Edition

Tips on How to Travel In Style

Athleisure is the way to go.

Unless you are going for a business trip, then for the love of all things fashionable, leave the pantsuits at home. I used to enjoy traveling all polished and everything… well till I discovered the power of athleisure. It’s the best time to be alive. I  mean its official gym outfits are now the street talk.  Show me something more exciting… I will wait, Again I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to take full advantage of this? its Sweatpants and a crop top, biker shorts, leggings! and sandals, or slides?? what s not to love?

when it comes to travel outfits, there must be a happy medium between the “i-just-rolled-out-of-bed” and the “i-just-stepped-off-the-runway” look. I am talking outfits that are simultaneously casual and effortless chic. Clothes that will keep you cozy and comfortable on your trip and street-ready when you reach your destination.

If you don’t where to start with athleisure, these posts are a good starting point.

Chic Carry On

The one part I think all travelers can be extra is on their carry on luggage. It’s a good time to turn a head or two, I mean there is no harm in that and you get to show off your personal style while leaving your best life, catching flights not Feeling Ha! I have come a long way since my backpack days and I have replaced those with large tote bags that will carry all my travel essentials and then some.  Speaking of Travel essentials…

Tips on How to Travel In Style - Blogmas Edition

Travel Essentials

Following up on the chic carry on a bit, you must have travel essentials with you at all the time to make sure your travel goes effortlessly without a hitch. I previously shared the travel essentials checklist. If I find a copy I will link it below. Make sure you have a checklist of all the items you will need from toiletries the tech gear, outfit for the time you travel, medicine, headphones, Sunnies and so on and so forth.

Traveling Checklist

Strategic Packing

I am kicking my legs as I write this. But my packing is exceptional because of moving cities and everything, I promise. Honest to God I always have my bags grouped and coordinated to the last pin. I hate the hustle of reaching out to a destination only to find out I forgot an item. This goes hand in hand with maximizing the use of space in all your luggage to make the travel more convenient.

  • Instead of folding your clothes, roll them.
  • Instead of large toiletries, opt for the travel size and so on and so forth.

Minimal Make up

When it comes to traveling, it is stressful already. And as much as I love a good beat on my face. The travel roads and clouds aren’t where I wanna show up with makeup on. But again to each their own. I enjoy the makeup no-makeup look, which will take you from travel to street-ready without doing the utterly most. A great skin base, fill in the eyebrows, a layer of Mascara, some lipstick or lip bum and you look effortlessly chic.

There you have it my Lately Lovers, I did tell you it was achievable, now do you believe me? Ha! I  will talk to you real soon. Till then Stay Safe & Happy Holidays.


4 Responses

  1. Where was this when I needed it 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️,can’t wait to use it soon 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

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