Top Tips for Keeping your Skin Vibrant and Healthy

Top tips for keeping your skin vibrant and healthy

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, so keeping it in top condition should be a high priority. Sometimes it can be challenging to know how to do this, especially when there are so many products out there claiming that they are suitable for your skin. So, continue reading if you want to know the Top Tips for Keeping your Skin Vibrant and Healthy all year round.

1. Eat well

Top Tips for Keeping your Skin Vibrant and Healthy

This is probably the most obvious piece of advice for better skin, but it is worth repeating! Many of us don’t make enough effort to get the recommended number of vitamins and minerals in our diet. Rather than taking supplements (unless medically prescribed) most of our body’s requirements can be met by having a diverse diet dominated by fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes. Vitamin A is excellent for targeting wrinkles and can even help prevent lung cancer! Vitamin A can be found in sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, and mangoes.

2. Get enough sleep

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There’s a reason a good night’s rest is often referred to as beauty sleep, and that is because it helps restore and rebalance the hormones involved with keeping your skin healthy. During your sleep, your body releases a human growth hormone which helps to stimulate collagen production, and we all know how important collagen is for skin’s overall elasticity and vibrancy. Collagen starts diminishing from the human body after the age of around 25, so it is vital to get your beauty sleep to make sure you are maximizing the amount in your body.

3. Avoid harmful skincare

Top Tips for Keeping your Skin Vibrant and Healthy

Skincare and makeup often contain ingredients that may not be beneficial to your skin type. So, doing some research before purchasing products is an easy way to avoid potential mishaps. Products that contain fragrances and allergens are especially unsuited to people with sensitive skin, so make sure to always read the label! Skincare which is gentle on your skin is usually the best route to go down if you are in any way unsure of how to proceed. Avoid anything with harsh alcohol or astringents if you have dry skin, and oily-skinned individuals should stay away from anything comedogenic.

4. Invest in ethical skincare

Top Tips for Keeping your Skin Vibrant and Healthy

Good skincare does not have to cost the Earth (or the animals living on it)! Some companies are leading the way when it comes to promoting cruelty-free products and given that millions of animals suffer as a result of cosmetic testing every year, this is an excellent thing. The global cruelty-free market is even expected to grow by 6% between now and 2024. Remember, good skincare is not the same as expensive skincare. So, be careful to do your research before shelling out the big bucks!

5. Exercise

Exercise has been shown to decrease the amount of cortisol in the system. This can have significant benefits for your skin. Cortisol is often produced when you are stressed, and stress is not good for your skin. Especially if you are acne-prone. Exercise releases endorphins and decreases stress levels, as well as giving you a lovely glow. So, why not schedule an extra Zumba class?

Do you know other Top Tips for Keeping your Skin Vibrant and Healthy? I am curious to learn more from you. Let’s have a conversation in the comment section.


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